Indian Poultry Industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector today in India. The production of eggs and broilers has been rising at a rate of 8 to 15% per annum. Though there is a tremendous growth in poultry industry in India, scaling up of production driving small producers to disadvantage on account of high investment cost in poultry equipment's. The main objective of this study is to redesign a grain feeder and egg collection system in poultry farm for improved productivity at low investment cost for medium and small scale industry. For designing of grain feeder and egg collection system in poultry farm, it is very important to understand the customer’s aspirations. This is done by analyzing the data of literature review, GEMBA study, customer survey and market study etc. Using the outputs of data analyzing, quality function deployment (QFD) matrix and then product design specification (PDS) were made. According to the PDS, five different concepts were generated for grain feeder and egg collecting trolley to overcome the usability and ergonomic issues and safety aspects of the problems. Final concept was selected by weighted ranking method. A working model of final concepts had been done to validate the concepts of grain feeder and egg trolley. The result of final model is checked by the customer to validate the usability issues, safety measures and its function. It is concluded that new redesigned product has more advantages when we compared with existing products available in market in terms of cost, usability and reliability.