The travel and tourism sector has emerged as one of the most important sectors for developing as well as developed countries. People from all nations, social rank, professions are potential tourists. Tourism links a worldwide supplier community with consumers, equally distributed worldwide. Its physical and virtual networks enable worldwide travelling, bringing together very distant cultures and habits. The industry is diverse, the size of tourism principals varies from micro to global enterprises. While some are fragmented, other parts, like the airlines, are concentrated into an oligopoly of global alliances. Information systems (IS) have been implemented to development in tourism. The leading edge technology applications is Computer Reservation Systems (CRS). it is providing online travel/tourism-related information along with a user-friendly booking system and a secure payment gateway . The thorough use of state-of-the-art technology is allowing a rapid and sustainable growth.The tourism in thailand must give to support and development a general introduction to the relationship between ICT and tourism and provides some empirical evidence of importance of tourism in the e-commerce sectorand gives a detailed account of the current transformation in the travel and tourism