Hello My Dear
Thank you so much for for your email message.
How are you? How is work and how is your family?
I hope everything is fine.
I hope you and your family are all doing fine.I pray
That very soon,this our communication will transform to a very serious relationship and I will make myself available to meet with you and your
Family no matter where in the world you are.Reading your message has put a warm smile on my face and I feel so bringing you my way.I can
see and feel it that relationship will lead to a successful and happy marriage.
In your message,I can feel it clearly that I am with
the righvwoman.I believe you abr the woman of my dreams and I pray that God will bless this relationship so that it will last forever.From the very first day I emailed you,I had it in mind that I
will find my everlasting happiness with you and
I hope you are really very serious with me also. like
I told you earlier on ij my previous email,I amm nothere for games. I am a matured man and I need
a matured woman that will love me and ready to be with me all life.