4.1. The educational use of the model
The mathematical model of DC Motor is very useful for carrying out transient and steady
state analysis and understanding the basic concepts of control systems with and without the
controller. It is a fundamental system useful to any course of instruction including basic
subjects in Engineering at undergraduate courses. The MATLAB/SIMULINK model and
GUI representation of DC motor using controller will definitely work as a teaching tool and
support the classroom teaching by enabling the faculty, with the computer-generated
graphics, to illustrate transient and steady-state performance and stability analysis of DC
motor under various parameter controls. The user can change the parameters of the system
as per his/her choice or required condition. Thus this computational tool as a part of
laboratory experiments will enhance laboratory experience by providing students with the
opportunity to compare the results of laboratory experiments with those obtained by
computer simulation. Such an opportunity helps students of all courses realise the
limitations of hardware.