Somdet Sri Nagarin Park. (สวนสมเด็จศรีนครินทร์) Located in Agricutural Collage Sisaket, Kasikam Rd., Tambon Nong Krok, a couple kilometres from the city hall, the park acquires 237 rais area. With landscape of rolling hill, the park is nourished by two streams, Huay Poon Yai and Huay Poon Noi that meet north of the park. Here is rich of ‘Lamduan’ or Lamdman Tree, making it a nice place for botanical excursion. The lush forest of Lamdman always fills up the air with fragrance every March. As Sisaket was also formerly called Sri Nakhon Lamduan, Lamdman tree is used as logo of the province. Zoo, beautifully landscaped garden, and big pond in the park make it nice place for relaxing.