'Someone's found a young woman's body in Holyrood Park. We're wanted over there immediately.'
'Today was my day off,' said Logan.
'Not any longer!' said Grant.
A few minutes latter, Logan, with Grant beside her in the car, entered Holyrood Park.
Holyrood Park is one of the most beautiful places in Edinburgh. Inside the park is Arthur's Seat, the tall hill that stand over all of Edinburgh. There are also lakes and fields. What other capital city in the world has such a large area of wild, green and open land so close to its centre? Edinburgh people know it well and love it; tourists do not often go there.
'Someone's found a young woman's body in Holyrood Park. We're wanted over there immediately.''Today was my day off,' said Logan.'Not any longer!' said Grant.A few minutes latter, Logan, with Grant beside her in the car, entered Holyrood Park.Holyrood Park is one of the most beautiful places in Edinburgh. Inside the park is Arthur's Seat, the tall hill that stand over all of Edinburgh. There are also lakes and fields. What other capital city in the world has such a large area of wild, green and open land so close to its centre? Edinburgh people know it well and love it; tourists do not often go there.
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