A bionic lens developed by Ocumetics Technology Corporation's optometrist Garth Webb could mean the end of eyeglasses and contact lenses.
The "Ocumetics Bionic Lens" allows patients to have vision up to three times better than 20/20. It can also fix conditions that entail different treatments to be corrected such as near and far sightedness, cataracts and astigmatism.
The Ocumetics' website explained that the Bionic Lens needs to be implanted into the eye albeit the procedure only takes eight minutes. The operation is similar to surgery for treating cataract, which involves removing the lens inside the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens.
The procedure is likewise described as painless. It neither requires the use of anesthesia nor an overnight stay at the hospital.
The lens is placed in the eye using a saline solution-filled syringe and in just about 10 second, the bionic lens, which is initially folded like a tattoo for implant, unravels over the eye immediately correcting the eye sight.