he paper identifies uncertainties in the default emission factors, Bo (biodegradability of manure) and MCF
(methane conversion factor), and gives suggestions for improvement of these values. The maximum
biodegradability, Bo, is expressed in m³ CH4 produced per kg VS (volatile solids). The determination of VS
directly includes possible errors, when volatile components are present. Manure will always contain a fraction of
volatile fatty acids (VFA). The latter will result in an over estimation of the Bo value. Bo determination should
not only include VS analysis but also total chemical oxygen demand (COD) and VFA. Standardisation of the Bo
determination, including sampling methods is recommended. The MCF does not only depend on the manure
management system used, but also on the temperature of the stored manure, and the handling of the system for
example the mean percentage of manure left over (=inoculation) after ‘emptying’ (use). It is therefore
recommended to collect more data on this item, and re-estimate default M