With regard the change in functional groups of the synthesizedcompound, in comparison with CMC. Fig. 1 shows broad and intensebands in the region 4000–3000 cm−1. It is attributed to OHof thefree and bonded OH stretching vibration in case of CMC, and OHtogether with NH stretching vibration in case of APPA. Reaction ofCMC with APPA is significant on changing its position; where theblue shift is observed from 3422 cm−1to 3435 cm−1( = 13 cm−1).This is probably ascribed to the 2ry alcohol condensed with COOHgroup included APPA, and consequently may leads to liberate thehydrogen bonded 2ry hydroxyl during synthesis process. More-over, at this absorption region for the conjugated compound, theband assigned to stretching vibration of OH and NH associated withshoulders at 3076 cm−1, which assignees to CH of aromatic ringincluded APP. The bands in the region 3000-2500 cm−1are assignedto stretching vibration of C H groups. Comparing the synthesizedcompound with CMC, two additional shoulder bands observed at2630 and 2112 cm−1, associated with the band at 2934–2939 cm−1,these band related to OC NH bond vibrate.