sage 1
Thailand's capital, Bangkok, is scrambling to fend off flood waters bearing down
on the city. Unusually heavy rains have caused the worst flooding in decades across
Southeast Asia, killing some 500 people, destroying crops and flooding homes and
The Thai capital Thursday reinforced dikes holding off floodwaters that have
ravaged central and northern parts of the country.
Bangkok is preparing for high water expected this weekend as run-off from those
floods reaches the city just as seas in the Gulf of Thailand reach high tide.
Sean Boonpracong, international spokesman for Bangkok's flood relief center,
acknowledges that flooding in the capital is a possibility but says authorities are doing
all they can to prevent it. "I think there is a small risk of flooding in the outer area,"
said Boonpracong. "But, for now I believe it is manageable. There has been a new
operation to relieve the water. Authorities are dredging canals in Bangkok‟s Chao
Phraya and other rivers so more water can reach the sea faster.”
sage 1510Thailand's capital, Bangkok, is scrambling to fend off flood waters bearing downon the city. Unusually heavy rains have caused the worst flooding in decades acrossSoutheast Asia, killing some 500 people, destroying crops and flooding homes andfactories.The Thai capital Thursday reinforced dikes holding off floodwaters that haveravaged central and northern parts of the country.Bangkok is preparing for high water expected this weekend as run-off from thosefloods reaches the city just as seas in the Gulf of Thailand reach high tide.Sean Boonpracong, international spokesman for Bangkok's flood relief center,acknowledges that flooding in the capital is a possibility but says authorities are doingall they can to prevent it. "I think there is a small risk of flooding in the outer area,"said Boonpracong. "But, for now I believe it is manageable. There has been a newoperation to relieve the water. Authorities are dredging canals in Bangkok‟s ChaoPhraya and other rivers so more water can reach the sea faster.”
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