D Doctor S Sarah S: Hello,
D: Come in, come in, take a seat.
s: Thanks
D: Now, how can I help you? What seems to be the matter?
s: Well, lots of things, actually.
D: Mmm?
s: I've got a headache all the time. And a cold
D: And a cough
s: yes And it hurts everywhere. I mean, I've got pains in my back, my chest, my neck, everywhere. 1 just feel awful. D:OK, well, let's start by taking your temperature, oK? Hmm, let's see, 39 that's quite high
s: Nothing serious, is it? Is it flu?
D: Yes, it's probably flu. But it's nothing to worry about. Now Anything else? Any other symptoms?
s: Well, I suppose l'm feeling a bit depressed. But maybe that's normal. There are lots of problems at work at the moment,
I: Well, that's understandable, I hope everything works out. Anyway, you've got (L and you'll need to take four or five days off work. Rest as much as possible: stay in bed. Take some aspirin or paracetamol for the pain.