Deposition of relatively less subcutaneous fat by goats than sheep adversely affects storage
properties of meat, most importantly dehydration and cold-shortening. High concentrate
diets increase internal and carcass fat in goats, including intramuscular fat though levels are
less than in cattle or sheep. Levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are greater
in goats consuming concentrate in confinement compared with rangeland grazing. Because
the botanical composition of the diet selected by goats is more reflective of plant species
available compared with cattle and sheep, changes in the botanical and chemical composition
with high vs. low stocking rate or as forage mass declines with increasing stocking
rate should be smaller compared with cattle and sheep, with greatest differences when
browse plant species are available. The magnitude of effect of castration on carcass fatness
varies considerably with plane of nutrition, although some gender comparisons have
not considered stage of maturity. Limited nutrient intake maximizes lean tissue accretion
and minimizes fat deposition regardless of gender. Pre-weaning growth rate is greater for
single-kid litters compared with kids of multiple births depending on factors influencing
milk production. Concentrate supplementation should increase pre-weaning growth when
milk yield is low regardless of litter size but not with moderate-high milk yield when concentrate
substitutes for milk. Genetic variability in performance traits is considerable and
has been the target of various breed improvement and crossbreeding programs. Breed and
genotype differences in carcass traits also exist; however, few improvement programs have
included these traits in selection objectives.
Deposition of relatively less subcutaneous fat by goats than sheep adversely affects storage
properties of meat, most importantly dehydration and cold-shortening. High concentrate
diets increase internal and carcass fat in goats, including intramuscular fat though levels are
less than in cattle or sheep. Levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are greater
in goats consuming concentrate in confinement compared with rangeland grazing. Because
the botanical composition of the diet selected by goats is more reflective of plant species
available compared with cattle and sheep, changes in the botanical and chemical composition
with high vs. low stocking rate or as forage mass declines with increasing stocking
rate should be smaller compared with cattle and sheep, with greatest differences when
browse plant species are available. The magnitude of effect of castration on carcass fatness
varies considerably with plane of nutrition, although some gender comparisons have
not considered stage of maturity. Limited nutrient intake maximizes lean tissue accretion
and minimizes fat deposition regardless of gender. Pre-weaning growth rate is greater for
single-kid litters compared with kids of multiple births depending on factors influencing
milk production. Concentrate supplementation should increase pre-weaning growth when
milk yield is low regardless of litter size but not with moderate-high milk yield when concentrate
substitutes for milk. Genetic variability in performance traits is considerable and
has been the target of various breed improvement and crossbreeding programs. Breed and
genotype differences in carcass traits also exist; however, few improvement programs have
included these traits in selection objectives.
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