1. The entity does not have annual revenues in excess of the equivalent of USD 250 million.
2. The entity is not any of the following, nor an affiliate (per the US SEC, Listed, or non-Listed definitions of Audit Client and Affiliate in the EYG Independence Policy) of any of the following.
a. A listed Client1 or otherwise considered a Public Interest Entity;.
b. An institutional investor (e.g., private equity fund, venture capital fund, or similar type fund).
3. The entity does not have current plans or stated intentions of becoming publicly traded.
4. The entity does not have significant ownership (i.e., more than 20%) outside of the evaluating country.
5. The entity is not in a regulated industry, nor in the gaming or pornography industry.
Local laws and regulations need to be considered in determining if an entity is in a regulated industry. However, entities that would typically be considered to be regulated include (but are not limited to) depository institutions, certain types of energy service companies, health and managed care organizations, insurance companies, certain types of real estate entities, and pension funds.
6. The entity does not have cross border operations.
Examples of cross border operations could include (but are not limited to) a subsidiary, branch, or sales office/employees in another country, a foreign manufacturing facility, or a distribution center outside of the country in which the entity is domiciled. Sales to or purchases from, or similar types of transactions in the normal course of business, outside of the country in which the entity is domiciled, would typically not be considered cross border operations. Similarly, the requirement to register for VAT purposes in a foreign jurisdiction would not be regarded as “cross border.”
7. The entity is not currently in an insolvency process, and does not have current expectations to enter an insolvency process, nor is there the significant risk of the entity entering an insolvency process.
8. The entity is not a Priority Account.
9. The entity is not considered high profile. Government entities are considered high profile for purposes of the definition of an LCE.
10. There are no other known or anticipated conditions or circumstances that would preclude the entity from being considered an LCE.