A person who influences the attitudes, thoughts and behavior of another is called leadership. The role of a leader is to set the direction for others and help them walk to the same direction. Leading by example is a nature of a true leader. If the leader is poor, it will lead to conflict between members within the group cause of everyone thing different, so the example will help them stick with the same direction (Lipman, 2014). Leading by example cannot make the leader become good leader. The good leader should behave and perform like what they said in order to make the other members follow and make them ensure that the examples that the leader has given are realistic. If the behavior and performance of the leader are good and others can follow it should be push to become the organization standard (Mind tools.com, 2015).
“Mahatma Gandhi is a very good example of a leader who leading by his actions. He spent almost half of his life living what he preached to others. He emphasized on nonviolent resistance to protest injustice, and people start to follow his steps, then he led them and India to independence, causing of his life proved that it could be done.”
Although, Gandhi’s situation is quite different from the leader in company, but the principle is the same. When the leader led by example, they just create the picture that it could be possible. And if the leader shows their behavior and performance and its coordination with the example, people can look at him/her and says, “If they can do it, I also can do it”.