My morals and ethics are quite strong I believe in doing the right thing, but in some countries that you visit you cannot do the same things in your country, that you can do in another country, as for example in Thailand you have to adapt or you will not survive in this country, whether it is to do with the cars, motorcycles and most of all corruption, as myself I am very out spoken but I have to be careful what I say and do here, if you think someone is doing something wrong it is better just to let them get on with it, instead what might happen is that you will get into a confrontation with him/her that you might regret. There are three things about ethics the first on is your personal code of ethics is the purpose for your personal code of ethics. The only requirement is that the purpose, as well as the code of ethics, be tailored to your needs. The second part of your code of ethics. Is how people will see you and how they match up to what you believe. And the last part of your ethics is the rules or beliefs you expect yourself to follow when dealing with other people. All of this will help you through your life and make you learn how to better yourself in such things as job interviews.