Assessment during PIV maintenance: Both local and systemic assessments should be completed.
Assessing the IV equipment, PIV infusion site, and holistic assessment of the patient should be done on a regular basis.
In an inpatient setting, six hourly assessments are a minimum if the child is not on continuous infusion. Unstable patients who have signs and symptoms of complications would be assessed more frequently.
If the patient is receiving continuous IV infusion, observations of the IV site, rate of infusion and fluid checks are observed hourly and documented in the fluid balance flowsheet. Once documented review the overall fluid status of the child in the fluid balance activity .
PIV cannula are considered a high risk for pressure injury. As per Pressure Injury prevention guideline, the PIV site should be checked hourly for pressure sore and any signs of infection unless documented otherwise.
For HITH patients, the nurse will assess the PIV with each visit. Education will be provided to parents on the signs of pressure injuries and the process of contacting the HITH nurse.