Locking Devices – Interconnecting Doors
1. Doors connecting two rooms or more must be equipped with at least one locking device that is controlled exclusively from each guest room that
prevents the door from being opened from the adjacent room. There must be at least one locking device on each side of the door(s), which is
controlled only from within each room.
2. A secondary locking device as described in 302.26 is recommended.
Point loss: 120, 240
1. If one interconnecting guest room door does not have the required locking
device, there is a 120 point loss.
2. If more than one interconnecting guest room door does not have the required locking device, there is a 240-point loss.
Luggage Space Provided
1. A luggage tray/rack, bench, or designated table surface at a conveniently accessible and useable height and adequate to hold one
medium size piece of luggage in an open position must be provided in each guest room.
2. A bed, desk or sofa does not count to fulfill this requirement.
Point loss: 6
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 6–point loss per room.
Message Pad and Pen or Pencil
1. A message pad and a pen or pencil must be conveniently provided within each guest room.
2. Other methods of dispensing “note paper” are acceptable (i.e., loose sheets
in an appropriate container).
Point loss: 6
1. If any of the above criteria are not met, there is a 6–point loss per room.