Measurement of (a*) factor
Table1. The effect of time on phenolic compounds during storage
Analysis of variance has shown that factor was affected by coating (p‹0.01). The result showed that all coatings have been soaring, but the highest changes of factor were in 80% chitosan + 20%aloe vera and 100% coverage, and the lowest changes were in 60% chitosan + 40% aloe vera coverage (Fig 2). The reason for this phenomenon is that when chitosan is blended with aloe vera inhabiting the enzymatic activity. Xu et al. (2001) found that a coating of chitosan and aloe vera increased (a*) factor, which is consistent with our results. Khoshnoudinia et al. (2012) reported that the use of an edible gelatine coating along with antioxidants, especially ascorbic acid, maintains a desirable green colour of pistachio in kiwi fruits. This might be the effect of edible coatings on reducing the oxidation process of grains and nuts.