a q1* values represent 95% upper confidence limits (UCL) of cancer potency factors in (mg/kg/day)1.
b This cancer potency value was derived by the California Air Resources Board in 1987 based on an earlier US EPA (1985) assessment. A revised
value of 0.31 (mg/kg/day)1 is currently found on the Cal/EPA OEHHA website (http://www.oehha.org). The 0.18 value represents the same data
using the body weight raised to the 3/4 power for interspecies scaling, which is the currently accepted default.
c Cancer potency for carcinomas, fibrosarcomas, and in situ carcinomas of the forestomach and stomach.
d Cancer potency including carcinomas and fibrosarcomas of the stomach and forestomach. This is the value used as the oral cancer potency
estimate for ETO in this risk assessment.
e Cancer potency from all systemic tumours distal to the stomach.
f The data presented in the WHO monograph do not meet goodness-of-fit requirements for the multistage model. This cancer potency factor was
therefore not used in the risk assessment