6. Discussion and conclusion
Malaysia has committed to invest in and use renewable energy
since 1990s. The Renewable Energy Act 2011 and SEDA 2011 have
been enacted, where FiT is implemented to provide incentives for
electricity producers using renewable energy. However, biogas,
biomass, solar power and mini-hydro are the only sources that
have been considered for the incentives provided under the
current energy policy. There is a need to review and amend the
energy policy due to non-inclusion of ocean renewable energy.
This is because a review of the literature and related findings has
clearly indicated a high potentiality of marine energy to electrcity generation. The increased interest in ocean renewable energies becomes apparent in recent years. This area of research has
shown rapid growth during the past ten years, based on the
results from Scopus. If the search was conducted using the
specific terms of the five types of ocean energy, it would generate
a result with a tremendous number of publications. Overall, the
continued development of the ocean energies is a global trend.