6.2 High impact and noxious and hazardous industry separation
One of the many issues raised by the community related to the lack of prescribed physical
distance of industry and residential properties. The role of separation distances is to ensure
that the amenity of existing land uses can be maintained; it does not include the amelioration
of impacts. The term ‘separation distance’ refers to the separation of land zoned for industrial
purposes and land zoned for sensitive uses such as residential development.
Off site impacts are generally managed to a level that is acceptable. However, there is a
difference between what regulators and community may perceive as acceptable presenting a
challenge in terms of management and levels of mitigation. This was particularly evident
where odour was concerned. Businesses and DERM have been working together to achieve
best business practice which may not result in nil release whereas sectors of the community
expect a situation of nil impact.
The Queensland Government has considered the information provided by the community (i.e.
business and residents) of Narangba/Deception Bay with respect to land use planning in the
drafting of the State Planning Policy: Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials (SPP) (SPP, 2010).
The SPP seeks to complement the existing management framework by providing a more
strategic focus on the location and protection of industrial land uses.