Relax son, your going to exhaust yourself before she even gets here." An elderly Mr. Mime with a long white beard said as he watched (F/N) fiddle with his hair. "Yeah I just need to relax, thanks dad. It's just that Gardenia and I haven't seen each other since we we're Ralts." The (F/C) Gallade(Normal, shiny, or any color you want.) said, starting to feel nervous again.
The blue and (F/C) ralts' were inseparable as children, but her parents were transferred to another region far away from him. They frequently exchanged letters so they wouldn't lose contact with each other. About a year ago he went from a Kirlia that almost everyone mistook for a girl, to a Gallade that was respected as a very skilled warrior. Unbeknownst to him, he was also considered the most handsome male in the region, even by females from other egg groups.
(F/N)'s POV:
I was lying on the couch, about to fall asleep when I heard a knock at the door. I ran over, opened it, and froze. There before me was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. "G-Gardenia, umm, p-please come in!"
Gardenia's POV:
When (F/N) opened the door, I couldn't keep from turning a slight shade of red. I knew he had evolved into a Gallade, but I never imagined he would be so ... dreamy. As we walked through his home, I noticed he looked a little nervous, and I know I was as well.
Third Person POV:
For the next few hours, the two of them ate snacks, reminisced about their time together, and what they had been up to while apart. Most girls would laugh at his joke's even though they didn't think they were funny, he knew that, but Gardenia honestly thought they were hilarious. Most guys didn't actually listen when she talked, but (F/N) clung to every word, treating them as if they were more valuable than gold.
"How about the time we tricked that Ghastly into chasing her own tail?" "Hehehehe. I almost forgot about that..." (F/N) looked to the ground, and sighed. "That was a few days before you moved away. Your here now though, and that's what matters." He said looking up at her with a big smile.
Gardenia's POV:
After a while the sun had started to set, and I had to leave. "Before you go, I have to ask you something." (F/N) said as we stepped out onto the porch. He looked serious. "Ask away." "W-well, the town dance is two day's from now, and I was wondering if you would go with me?" I smiled as I turned bright pink. "I would be delighted." I went from pink to red as he gently took my hand, and kissed the back of it. "Till then.