15. Registration
(1) A person who—
(a) has successfully attended a course of instruction for laboratory
technicians or technologists prescribed by the Board pursuant to
subsection (2) of section 5, at any approved training institution in
Kenya; or
(b) has attended a course of instruction for laboratory technicians or
technologists recognised by the Board as equivalent to the course
prescribed under subsection (2) of section 5, at any training institution
outside Kenya approved by the Board; or
(c) holds such other qualifications as the Board may prescribe; and
(d) has completed such approved period of probation as may be
prescribed by the Board,
may apply to the Board for registration under this Act.
(2) Every application under subsection (1) shall be in the prescribed form and
shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed.
(3) The Board shall consider every application made under this section and
shall register the applicant if satisfied that the applicant is—
(a) duly qualified in terms of this section; and
(b) a fit and proper person to be so registered.
(4) The Board shall register every qualified person by entering his name,
address, professional qualifications and such other particulars as the Board may
prescribe, in the appropriate register kept for that purpose pursuant to section 16.
(5) The Board shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, issue to every person
registered under this Act, a certificate of registration in the prescribed form.
16. Registers to be kept
(1) The Registrar shall maintain—
(a) a register of medical laboratory technicians; and
(b) a register of medical laboratory technologists,
in such form as the Board may prescribe.
(2) The Registrar shall, not later than the 31st March in every year, cause to be
published in the Gazette, the names and addresses of all laboratory technicians
and technologists registered in the previous year.
17. Removal of names from the register
(1) The Registrar shall remove from the register—
(a) the names of all deceased persons;
(b) the names of all persons struck off the register under section 32;
(c) any entries fraudulently or erroneously made.
(2) The Registrar shall cause the name and address of every person whose
name is