Evaluation of Air Pollution by Aerosol Particles Due to Road
Traffic: A Case Study from Algeria
Air pollution by the aerosol particles was evaluated in a case study site located east of Algiers in Algeria in North Africa. The
location was influenced by road traffic emissions. The measures, by size distribution, were done using a HVS-PM-10 sampler
equipped of cascade impactors in four levels (brand Andersen). The results showed that air pollution by the inhalable particles
(PM-10), the alveolar particles (PM-2.5) and the very fine particles (PM-1) was very high. The average content in PM-10 rose to
. With a content of 36.1µg/m3
, the alveolar particles PM-2.5 constituted in mass about 48% of the PM-10. More than
1/3 of the PM-10 consisted of a very fine fraction of the PM-1. The PM-10 followed a bi-modal distribution. There was a
correlation between the very fine and alveolar particles.