Although result shows high commitment of local fishers to
participate with the new policies (OP=0.7), guidelines, to
assess the effectiveness of policy design, some criteria
should be defined a priori. For instance, to adjust license
prices accordingly over time, what will be considered as a
sustainable level of resource use? Because monitoring
fishing efforts and assessing stocks in the Lagoon are not
feasible (as explained earlier), a workable solution might be
to ensure that enough stock exits the Lagoon at the end of a
harvest season to generate offspring that will return to the
Lagoon. It is clear that some research will have to be
undertaken to calculate the amount of stock. Monitoring
this criterion seems feasible; for example, data collection
may take place in the channel connecting the Lagoon to the
ocean during the first 5 days after channel opening (the
period when most shrimp and fish leave the Lagoon). Of
course, the Forum may devise other criteria.
Although result shows high commitment of local fishers to
participate with the new policies (OP=0.7), guidelines, to
assess the effectiveness of policy design, some criteria
should be defined a priori. For instance, to adjust license
prices accordingly over time, what will be considered as a
sustainable level of resource use? Because monitoring
fishing efforts and assessing stocks in the Lagoon are not
feasible (as explained earlier), a workable solution might be
to ensure that enough stock exits the Lagoon at the end of a
harvest season to generate offspring that will return to the
Lagoon. It is clear that some research will have to be
undertaken to calculate the amount of stock. Monitoring
this criterion seems feasible; for example, data collection
may take place in the channel connecting the Lagoon to the
ocean during the first 5 days after channel opening (the
period when most shrimp and fish leave the Lagoon). Of
course, the Forum may devise other criteria.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Although result shows high commitment of local fishers to
participate with the new policies (OP=0.7), guidelines, to
assess the effectiveness of policy design, some criteria
should be defined a priori. For instance, to adjust license
prices accordingly over time, what will be considered as a
sustainable level of resource use? Because monitoring
fishing efforts and assessing stocks in the Lagoon are not
feasible (as explained earlier), a workable solution might be
to ensure that enough stock exits the Lagoon at the end of a
harvest season to generate offspring that will return to the
Lagoon. It is clear that some research will have to be
undertaken to calculate the amount of stock. Monitoring
this criterion seems feasible; for example, data collection
may take place in the channel connecting the Lagoon to the
ocean during the first 5 days after channel opening (the
period when most shrimp and fish leave the Lagoon). Of
course, the Forum may devise other criteria.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..