enhancement of public administration specialist development as a means of increasing the potential of synergetic effects formation is becoming an essential prerequisite for modernization of the society (Farnsworth, 2005; Cohendet & Stojak, 2005; Currie, 2000).
Awareness of the importance of public administration specialist development determines the necessity to identify the main problems arising in this field and to outline specific ways to design and enhance efficient human resources development systems.
Human resources system development is a highly extensive and complicated sphere and therefore the typical problems inherent to this sphere can be addressed and analyzed from different aspects. There are many specific characteristics of human resources system development in various countries and under various conditions. In-depth analysis of human resources system development practice in various countries shows that the following groups of problems can be distinguished: problems related to the content of public administration specialist development; problems related to public administration specialist development technologies; problems related to the operation of institutions, enterprises and organizations involved in processes of the public administration specialist development.
Among the problems related to the content of human resources in public sector development first and foremost comes inadequate integrity of various development processes; lack of integrity leads to the following: