used to be men. Then, fairly recently, that started to change, so many people started to use the words waiter, waitress, fireman, or policewoman in English to show the gender of the person in the occupation, so as to make the meaning clearer, and allow for the social changes. Nowadays, however, many people prefer to use terms that are more generic, such as server, firefighter, or police officer, because many people wish men and women to be treated equally, even in terms of the words used to describe jobs. Using terms like these, which contain no bias, negative connotations, or prejudice, is an example of being politically correct or PC. This has become especially important in North America in recent years, and includes other terms such as physically challenged (instead of handicapped) and Asian-American (instead of oriental). It is wise to be aware of the social climate because sometimes people may be offended at the use of the older terms, which either are too specific or too impolite, or which do not include them. Have you heard of any other terms like these?