The problems and suggestions.
From the survey data. Most problems will affect the paint job. There are a variety of problems, according to the person and society, residential environment can result as well.
The problem is a lot. Problems adapting to the society. Some people can't adapt to that potential problems, solutions are to try to approach others. Try to open to listen to everyone. And the saying itself is a big idea
The problem about the foreign language, found that most students comment. Intelligence about foreign language caused much concern because these countries have step into the society of which English is the language used in communication. The language is the key to many remember the job, how to solve the problems is the language learning and use language well and expertise. And, what's more, should practice and review the language regularly.
The problem about don't know that they want to do. Many people, when students are at or near the end, it caused confusion that things learned are used in assembling work?, or wanted to work but could not match their learning branch, therefore, does not dare to apply for a job. No work to do. How to fix the problem is to try to do something I don't like, first, to know what's not to like when I know what it's like not to know yourself what you like easier. Wanted to do and can be taken by the branch itself is learning. In the work itself, and do your best work.