Chica: Dickhead =^=
Foxy: Daft pig-bellied harpy
Bonnie: Incompetent baboon *takes off glove ready to slap a bitch*
Alriiiight then.....anyways I hope you guy will read it and like it as much as you guys liked my first crappy lemon for some reason....were you at gunpoint? Were you on some sort of drug? Honestly, I didn't think you guys would like that. Anyways, Uh here it is...the re-upload of my 2nd lemon...Also I might start taking requests soon soooo...yeah, here we go...
You sighed as you then thought to yourself 'Another day, another heart attack waiting to happen...' Your name was (f/n) (l/n) and basically, you were a nightguard. You never exactly wanted this job but what hooked you the most was the fact that it gave you pretty decent pay not to much, not to less. Just enough to live comfortably ever since you started college and wanted to eat something other than ramen noodles, and cereal.
Yeah sure, you liked the job and thought it would be pretty easy when you went to the interview with the owner, and at the time you didn't really wonder why he seemed so eager to hire you, almost forgetting your résumé. You simply just went along with, happy to have gotten the job at the time. Now, you regret everything. Basically it was like a living hell each night you stepped into that dreaded pizzeria. Each night your heart picking up its speed, adrenaline in your mind....and then there was them. You always thought that they were creepy, but after the past four days you could never look at them the same way again. The one you hated the most though...was that damned bunny. He always seemed to be at your door, letting your power drain away once you closed the door and he would always stare through the window with those fuchsia colored eyes. He would practically taunt you by almost scaring the living shit out of you.
You were settled into the chair in the office checking through the cameras and checked the time seeing it was now 12:30 AM and you opened the door seeing Chica had gone away. You sighed aloud hoping this night would go by quick. Though unbeknownst to you Bonnie was currently in a camera blind spot, watching you. Suddenly Bonnie jumped through the doorway letting out a screech as you fell out of the chair falling backwards as you felt the back of your head hit the cold hard floor, suddenly feeling a warm liquid drop from behind it forming a puddle of the warm liquid around your head, staining your (h/l) (h/c) hair wincing slightly at the pain that was also in your back. You blink your (e/c) eyes wearily slowly losing consciousness as you then suddenly saw a blurry silhouette bent down over you in an inspecting fashion as you finally then closed your eyes sinking into darkness.
You slowly began to regain consciousness as you suddenly realized how you were turned on your side feeling someone who was currently tending to your bloody head, dabbing a soft wet cloth over it and then closing off an already done wrapping. You instantly turned around wincing slightly putting a hand to your head rubbing it slightly and then rubbed your tired eyes to see who the person was. There before you was a male, most likely in his twenties. He had on a pair of dark purple slacks, a light violet dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, red converse, along with a red bow tie and suspenders. But the only things that stood out about him was his fuchsia eyes, purple hair, and bunny ears resting atop his head twitching ever so often. He then noticed that you were awake and then said in a calm but friendly drawl "Oh, glad to see you're awake sleeping beauty~..." You stared at him for a few seconds before slinging your legs off the old couch you were currently on your (e/c) eyes showing a mix of distrust and curiosity as you then asked in almost a stutter "W-Who are you?..." The young man's eyes then brightened up as he answered "Oh pardon me how rude I am for not introducing myself! My name is Bonnie, though you may not recognize me in this form, but I know about you (y/n) from your files~..."
What.The.Hell. Your thoughts exactly as a whole bunch of questions swarmed your mind. This guy was Bonnie?! How?! This guy couldn't be Bonnie! He was waaaaay to nice....and cute at that! But what the hell he looked through your files?!?!?! The young man, or "Bonnie" noticed the confusion as he then said "Don't worry about how me and the other animatronics do this, it's just came naturally after we all died...somehow we were just able to do this." You remembered that children had died a while back and were later discovered in the suits. So this is what had become of them all, it made you feel......sad. You noticed Bonnie had turned around reaching for what looked like pain meds and you noticed one thing that you couldn't help but stare at as you then thought in your mind 'Dat ass tho...'. Right there, you couldn't help but stare at it because it was just so round and what made you blush even more was that in front of it was a big white fluffy bunny tail. Bonnie then turned around to see you staring, causing him to blush as he then asked "Were you staring at my bum dear?..." Your face grew extremely red as you then stuttered out "I-I'm sorry I-I was just distracted by your uh......tail..." You muttered the last part shyly looking away from the purple haired male in front of your, not noticing a playful smirk forming on to his face.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and then a small weight on your lap as you were suddenly blushing to an extreme becoming extremely flustered. Bonnie was currently sitting in your lap and he was surprisingly light as he then said with a devious smirk " I'm going to have to punish you know, aren't I my little minx~...."
You stared at him, eyes wide, your lower jaw trembling slightly as his finger traced along your jawline he then asked with a smirk "Cat got your tongue, my pet~?". His other hand moved towards your back rubbing it gently up and down causing you to shudder as you then began to say something only to mumble gibberish "N-Nngh....w-wha....." Bonnie chuckled as he then muttered seductively "You're so cute when you blush (y/n)....." He then brushed his soft, warm lips against the nape of your neck moving upwards lightly brushing around the area causing you to let out a trembling moan which caused you to blush even more.
Bonnie paused slightly as you felt him smile against your neck as he then whispered "Oh my (y/n) lewd you quite are~..." You furrowed your brows a little as a thought came to mind and you smirked reaching your hand down brushing your fingertips against his tail and began to pet it. This action caused Bonnie to instantly freeze and let out an aroused groan, breathing raggedly against your neck.
You took advantage of the current situation moving Bonnie more onto the couch as you then straddled his hips. You began petting his tail a little more and then moved your free hand to his left ear petting it as he groaned even more at the feeling and you then realized you had found his most sensitive areas. Bonnie's fuchsia eyes then opened half-lidded as he let out a small whimper pleading in a stutter "S-Stop teasing m-me (y/n)~.." You kissed him cheek affectionately moving your hands across his face admiring it with a smile.
Bonnie took this as an opportunity and pinned you down to the couch staring at you with those piercing eyes of his. He then said whilst tilting his head slightly "You know, my playful mustn't tease a man like only makes the beast inside him erupt.." You tensed up a little staring at him as he then spoke again "Now, I wish to make this as easy as I can....I am going to ask if I may take you right now, if not I might not know how to control myself..." His eyes showed one emotion. Lust. You quietly nodded your head as you whispered "'s fine......" Without any control Bonnie connected his lips with yours in an instant.
The kiss wasn't so rough but it was passionate and his lips were so soft against your own. Bonnie ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair as the other began to untuck and unbutton the night guard uniform button up shirt slipping it off of your torso running a hand up your side. You then undid his red bow tie slipping his suspenders off his shoulders unbuttoning his violet dress shirt letting it fall off his shoulders. You stared at his chest, though he was quite light, his pale chest had quite a well built physique.
You wanted to cover your chest so badly out of embarrassment, but you couldn't due to your hands being pinned above your head. You both had managed to kick off your shoes in the process of taking off your tops. Bonnie then undid the belt around your waist tugging your pants off leaving you in your (color/pattern) underwear and bra. Bonnie leaned down kissing your (s/c) skin against your stomach as a tiny moan escaped your mouth. You looked at Bonnie as you then mumbled "I-It's not fair....take off your pants..."
Bonnie complied undoing his belt sliding his pants off also as you noticed....his um...bulge in his boxers. Your face blushes at a point where you thought your face couldn't be any more red. Bonnie then unclipped your bra and tossed it where your other pieces of clothing were. He then began to fondle and caress your right breast, while licking and sucking on the other one. Your breathing became more heavier as you panted louder. Bonnie then traded spots whilst treating the right one the same way.
You let out a small growl of impatience squirming underneath Bonnie in a needy way. Bonnie captured your lips again as his hands moved towards your soaking wet heat. His right hand moved into your underwear as a finger slightly prodded at your heat causing you to moan into the kiss. He then inserted one finger