At the same time, the case studies allowed us to get a socially
and culturally contextualised picture of subjectivities and
experiences, which helped to interpret certain indicators. We
gained a better understanding of the creation or strengthening
of dynamics between professionals tasked with promoting
reading, and the ways in which this was happening. We saw
very frequent accounts by teachers who expressed their
pleasure at the fact that, for the first time, they had been
working in articulation with other disciplines. We also collected
examples of the activities and strategies that were developed
and employed in order to expose students to reading. Both
elements that made the process easier, and others that made it
harder, were also better understood as a result of the
observation and interviews we carried out as part of the case
studies, and of interviews of key actors. The latter provided
information about the way in which dynamics related with
reading and the promotion of reading were developing around
the country.