The TS includes the pseudounipolar neurons of the trigeminal
ganglia (TRIG). The peripheral branch of these first-order neurons
innervates the intracranial meningeal vasculature, while the central
nerve endings project to the nociceptive second-order neurons in
the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC). The migraine pain-related
secondary nociceptive neurons receive convergent synaptic input
from the spinal cervical 2 (C2) dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and from
the meningeal innervated part of the TRIG. From the second-order
neurons, the information is conveyed to the third-order neurons in
the thalamus and then to the sensory cortex (Buzzi and Moskowitz,
1992; Edvinsson and Uddman, 2005; Edvinsson et al., 2012; Noseda
et al., 2011).
The TS includes the pseudounipolar neurons of the trigeminalganglia (TRIG). The peripheral branch of these first-order neuronsinnervates the intracranial meningeal vasculature, while the centralnerve endings project to the nociceptive second-order neurons inthe trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC). The migraine pain-relatedsecondary nociceptive neurons receive convergent synaptic inputfrom the spinal cervical 2 (C2) dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and fromthe meningeal innervated part of the TRIG. From the second-orderneurons, the information is conveyed to the third-order neurons inthe thalamus and then to the sensory cortex (Buzzi and Moskowitz,1992; Edvinsson and Uddman, 2005; Edvinsson et al., 2012; Nosedaet al., 2011).
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