All mixture samples exhibited a single endothermic peak
localised around 77e80
C(Table 2). These are the gelatinisation
temperatures of native starches contained in the mixtures. Gener-ally, gelatinisation temperatures did not differ much among all the
samples. However, gelatinisation enthalpies (DH) of the control
sample are significantly higher than those of the added samples.
This study found no energy transition for high amylose maize
starch as investigated by DSC (data not shown). Thus, changes of
starch granule molecular order and structures of the high amylose
maize starch could have been made by its production processes.
The addition of the maize starch to the control sample caused the
decrease of gelatinisation enthalpies in the added samples. Also,
peak temperature (Tp) of the samples slightly decreased as more
maize starches were added.