Subsequent steps entailed a deep re-reading of the transcripts with
the intention of coding different segments of each transcript with a
certain theme. The coding procedure described by Miles and Hubermanm
(1994) was employed to identify words, phrases, sentences, or
paragraphs that conveyed a particular message pertaining to perceptions
of landscape. Transcripts as well as field notes were coded thematically,
with particular attention to tourists’ perception of the landscape.
Particular attention was given to subthemes that appeared to be related
to other subthemes and had explanatory value (Kirby & Mckenna,
1989). For instance, negative perceptions of the landscape were related
to discussion of experienced or witnessed accidents. The transcripts
were analyzed again utilizing established themes to ensure relevance
or lack thereof, of identified categories. In an effort to enhance inter-
coder reliability, this penultimate step required two independent
reviewers to code each meaning unit based on previously identified