Case 10: Three categories of collective learning
Category 1: Learning from Co-workers When working on a day to day task, one learns more efficient, better, and different ways of performing that task. The way one does that is by observing and talking with their coworkers when at work. These lessons then become part of our daily routine of performing those tasks. We take the best practices and embed them into our daily routine, while leaving out the less efficient practices.
Category 2: Learning from Researching When we are researching for certain things, we often come across other people’s research, and use that research as part of our work (referencing it of course). This example is best illustrated by writing and publishing a paper. When someone is researching, they use other individuals’ ideas and either improve upon them or to use them to back up our own ideas.
Category 3: Improving on an invention No one can invent the wheel anymore, one has to put together various inventions to create a brand new one. When entrepreneurs think of an idea, they utilize other people’s inventions or ideas to either support or incorporate them within their own idea.
Contributed by Vladimir Kukharenko