The fashion pods night be boosted by the installation of onsite 3D body-scanning technology for better size profiling. We may also see a rice in 3D print shop seeking to tap into the creative side of the click -and-collect mentality-and there's major opportunity here for retailers to offer seasonal pop-up storesinthe key spending periods of Christmas, Valentine 's Day and Easter.
In high street food service we've seen a growth in gourmet vending and app ordering options,driven by the fact that 25% of 16-24s say that they would be more likely to use vending machines if they sold new or more varied food and drink choices,compared with an average of15% . Traditional formats like vending machines can also be revived and reimagined in retail to cater to modern forms of convenience,stripped of associations with unhealthy products like carbonate drinks and cigarettes.Beyond an array of ingenious promotional campaigns utilizing vending machines ( the best being from Molson in Canada and Chilsung in Korea) we've seen how this format can mix convenience with luxury (in the form of Moet et Chandon's machine in Selfridges) as well as convenience and customization (L'Oreal's smart hubs in the New York subway that photograph consumer to dispense complementary product palettes).
More accessible retail and collection services will trigger an increased craving for instant access to the human element in service as well, with consumers expecting and demanding expertise and advice on tap-whether it be through services offering financial,sartorial,or medical advice- delivered on site at transport hub pop-ups or via video chat 24/7.