he thymus at 21 day old chickens showed no significant difference
in weight between all groups at that age with a similar
effect shown in group A with the control. Other groups
were lower but not significantly as compared with the control
group. However, at 35 days of age there was no significant
difference between all groups except that groups B, C and
D have a higher percentage than groups A and control.
Meanwhile, the bursa at 21 days showed no significant difference
between all groups and the controls. At 35 days of age,
the bursa also showed no significant difference between all
groups post-vaccination. Similarly, there was no significant
difference between spleen weight ratio with BW for other
groups at 21 days of age and at 35 days of age. No signifi-
cant difference was recorded between all groups for all lymphoid
organs tested. El-Deek et al. (2009) reported no
significant difference in lymphoid organs as an indication
of immune response due to feeding different dietary levels
of BCS whether in the spleen or bursa of Fabricius weight
percentage and this result agrees with our finding. However,
the findings of Shewita and Taha (2011) disagreed with the
present results which showed improved dose dependant bursa
and thymus weight