A newand cost-effective adsorbent N-TRAP, made fromwastewood-shavings and anaerobically digestion
biosolids and impregnated with H2SO4,was applied for the ammonia removal fromair stream and biogas
with high efficiency and effectiveness. Bearing a 75–80 and 65 wt.% sulfuric acid, the N-TRAPs mediated
with wood shavings and biosolids showed the maximum ammonia adsorption capacity of 260–280 and
230mgg−1, respectively. Gas temperatures (20 and 60 ◦C) and moisture content (100% relative humidity)
had no significantly negative effect on ammonia capture performance when temperature in the fixedbed
columnwas kept equalled to or slightly above the feed gas temperature. The pressure drop increased
significantly when NH3 began to break through the N-TRAP stripper due to the formation of ammonium
sulfate blocking the vacuum space of packed adsorbent. At last, an alternative N-TRAP filter bed design
was proposed to resolve the problem of pressure drop evolution