Sorry for made busy you for delay MELT receiving process and thank you for your effort every day.
Sorry but I'm not sure why delivery from supplier suddenly increase recently.
As you know we have target about VMI stock month level up from current
0.7 Month to 1.25month(Ave).
We're requesting to supplier to improve VMI stock month(=delivery to VMI W/H increase more),but maybe almost all of the shipment is delivered based on CI DUE DATE.(Can you check and report this is correct or not?)
That's mean the cause of increasing receiving is pull in META production...?
Anyway if the reason of increasing receiving process is for reaching the target about VMI stock month 1.25Month, I think after reached the target, the receiving process will be calm.It may be temporary situation as Nakatsukasa san said.After reached the target, receiving process will be stable gradually.
Please understand if we approve to MELT to recruit some person now and if the situation changed to good ,MT-T cannot request to MELT to cut man power.
Our project is basically less profit and META's production
plan(2016-2018) will be down,so we need to consider reduce fix cost.I hope you have a sense of management.
But I recognized these problem for this issue,so I already set up meeting with MELT Japanese manager how do we correspond to the increasing VMI stock.
We already started to think about the space also.
Thank you in advance.