As regards the evaluation of starch-coated paper materi- als, the obtained results at 40 8C after 10 days demonstrated the effectiveness of lab scale coatings onto paper against n- alkanes (range C18–C26) migration compared to uncoated paperboard. No statistical significant difference was highlighted among the tested starch formulations (waxy, normal and high amylose content), even if the heterogeneity in the coating thicknesses does not allow an accurate comparison. Migration tests of real MOSH hump from coated recycled paperboard in the same conditions, confirmed the absence of detectable signals related to migration of MOSH. It must be highlighted that, in the present work, coating solutions were poured onto paper with an automatic applicator in a laboratory scale production. Preliminary information on the efficiency of these hydrophilic biopoly- mers were obtained against non-polar substances such as n- alkanes and mineral oils.