Petra: I returned from a walking holiday in
the Himalayas a week ago and now I feel
sick. Do you think it’s from the trip?
Dr Joe: It could be from the holiday or it
could be something you ate at home. But
you should visit your doctor or hospital
Seth: Hi! I often have problems sleeping
at night so I’m tired all the time. Have you
got any advice?
Dr Joe: Sorry to hear this. Do you drink
coff ee before bed? It has caff eine and this
often stops people sleeping. Try drinking
herbal tea or a glass of warm milk because
these drinks don’t have any caff eine.
Sabine: I’m worried about my health. I like
doing exercise, but I spend all day working
in front of a computer. What can I do?
Dr Joe: How do you travel to work? You
could go by bicycle. It’s good for your
health AND it saves you money.