Time is gone very fast. I can not even imagine that I will be graduated from the
university half year later. University life is very different from people to people. Three
years university life can change a person’s characteristic very much. In the last two
years, I have gained lots in different aspects from City University of Hong Kong In
this essay, I am glad to share how my university life is in these few years.
One of the most valuable that I got in the university is a group of good friends. When
I was at high school, many people told me that human relationship in university is
very complicated. They said people in university will only make friends with those
can give them advantages. However, I do not really think so. I have a very good
relationship with my friends in City U. Whenever I got lost, they will kindly to help
me to out of the lost. I think our friendship can be forever. This is really a great thing
to have so much good friend in my university life.
Moreover, City U offered me a chance to have global exposure. I had studied in
London School of Economics for about 2 months in the first year’s summer. This
experience is very important in my life. After the 2 months studied in abroad, I have
trained to be live independently. I think this experience have turned me to be more
I have been worked as an intern reporter in Television Broadcasts Limited in the last
summer. This exposure is really amazing for me, because I have a chance to make a
story and to share what I have done with over a million of people. In the internship, I
have learnt how the working of a business organization is. I think this experience
enhances my ability to find a better job after graduation.
Finally, I have gained a lot of knowledge in economics and finance is these few years.
I am very interested in those theories, so my GPA is quiet good. I hope that I can
apply those theories in my job later
Time is gone very fast. I can not even imagine that I will be graduated from theuniversity half year later. University life is very different from people to people. Threeyears university life can change a person’s characteristic very much. In the last twoyears, I have gained lots in different aspects from City University of Hong Kong Inthis essay, I am glad to share how my university life is in these few years.One of the most valuable that I got in the university is a group of good friends. WhenI was at high school, many people told me that human relationship in university isvery complicated. They said people in university will only make friends with thosecan give them advantages. However, I do not really think so. I have a very goodrelationship with my friends in City U. Whenever I got lost, they will kindly to helpme to out of the lost. I think our friendship can be forever. This is really a great thingto have so much good friend in my university life.Moreover, City U offered me a chance to have global exposure. I had studied inLondon School of Economics for about 2 months in the first year’s summer. Thisexperience is very important in my life. After the 2 months studied in abroad, I havetrained to be live independently. I think this experience have turned me to be moremature.I have been worked as an intern reporter in Television Broadcasts Limited in the lastsummer. This exposure is really amazing for me, because I have a chance to make astory and to share what I have done with over a million of people. In the internship, Ihave learnt how the working of a business organization is. I think this experienceenhances my ability to find a better job after graduation.Finally, I have gained a lot of knowledge in economics and finance is these few years.I am very interested in those theories, so my GPA is quiet good. I hope that I canapply those theories in my job later
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