Dear NetdesignSoft,
I spoke previously with Khun Chosita, who was very helpful in providing
some preliminary information about your web services. I would like to
follow up so that we can begin the process of finalizing the contract and
building the website, but am having trouble reaching her. Could you please
pass this message along to whoever is now managing quotations for
prospective customers?
As mentioned previously, my Bangkok-based company MEO Jewelry would like
to create an ecommerce website for selling jewelry online. We are looking
for a fairly straightforward ecommerce site.
I have seen some of NetdesignSofts sample pages, and am including some
sample jewelry ecommerce websites for your reference:,default,sc.html
I had a few remaining technical questions:
Regarding the payment system, I understand that the fee for the SSL
transactions are paid by the website owner (not included in
NetDesignsoft's package). Can you let me know which payment service(s) you
will put onto the page?
Also, can you let me know what rate the SSL payment service(s) charge? Or
let me know where I can find information on these fees? I have to let my
team members know how much will be charged per transaction so that they
can calculate costs.
For listing the items, we would like to be able to search for items via
multiple filters. For example, the filters silver, pendant, and $99 -
$199 would limit items visible to silver pendants in that price range.
Here is an example:
You can search for charms by metal, material, stone, and theme.
Is it possible to include buttons where a specific item (a pendant, a
charm) can be shared on facebook or other social media?
Will it be possible for us to edit the countries available for shipping in
the shipping section? We will slowly add more countries to our list of
where we can deliver our products, and for each one we will need to have a
different associated shipping cost. So for France 10USD but maybe USA
15USD. Is that something that we will be able to edit in the future?
What information do your designers need from us before they can begin
creating the mockup of the website? Please let me know so that I can try
to prepare those materials for you after we have looked over the price
Previously I received a quotation, but it was in Thai, and unfortunately
not all of my teammates are able to read Thai. Is it possible for you to
send us a quotation in English?
As soon as I have the quotation I can quickly discuss with my team and we
can move forward with the website.
Thank you so much for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear NetdesignSoft,I spoke previously with Khun Chosita, who was very helpful in providingsome preliminary information about your web services. I would like tofollow up so that we can begin the process of finalizing the contract andbuilding the website, but am having trouble reaching her. Could you pleasepass this message along to whoever is now managing quotations forprospective customers?As mentioned previously, my Bangkok-based company MEO Jewelry would liketo create an ecommerce website for selling jewelry online. We are lookingfor a fairly straightforward ecommerce site.I have seen some of NetdesignSofts sample pages, and am including somesample jewelry ecommerce websites for your reference:,default,sc.html had a few remaining technical questions:1) SSL PAYMENT SYSTEMRegarding the payment system, I understand that the fee for the SSLtransactions are paid by the website owner (not included inNetDesignsoft's package). Can you let me know which payment service(s) youwill put onto the page?2) SSL PAYMENT FEESAlso, can you let me know what rate the SSL payment service(s) charge? Orlet me know where I can find information on these fees? I have to let myteam members know how much will be charged per transaction so that theycan calculate costs.3) FILTERS FOR PRODUCT LISTINGSFor listing the items, we would like to be able to search for items viamultiple filters. For example, the filters silver, pendant, and $99 -$199 would limit items visible to silver pendants in that price range.Here is an example: can search for charms by metal, material, stone, and theme.4) SHAREABILITYIs it possible to include buttons where a specific item (a pendant, acharm) can be shared on facebook or other social media?5) SHIPPING DESTINATIONSWill it be possible for us to edit the countries available for shipping inthe shipping section? We will slowly add more countries to our list ofwhere we can deliver our products, and for each one we will need to have adifferent associated shipping cost. So for France 10USD but maybe USA15USD. Is that something that we will be able to edit in the future?6) MATERIALS THAT YOUR DESIGNERS NEED FROM USWhat information do your designers need from us before they can begincreating the mockup of the website? Please let me know so that I can tryto prepare those materials for you after we have looked over the pricequote.7) QUOTATIONPreviously I received a quotation, but it was in Thai, and unfortunatelynot all of my teammates are able to read Thai. Is it possible for you tosend us a quotation in English?As soon as I have the quotation I can quickly discuss with my team and wecan move forward with the website.
Thank you so much for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.
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