We also included several control variables in our regressions, namely, gender (dichotomously coded with ‘‘1’’ for female and ‘‘0’’ for male), top manager position (dichotomously coded with ‘‘1’’ for partners in accounting firms and top managers in non accounting settings), and proportion of time spent in current job in tax (measured in percentages). Gender is typically used as control in behavioral literature in accounting. Hierarchical level is often investigated specifically in behavioral studies. However, we felt that we did not have a sufficiently secure theoretical base to develop a priori expectations regarding the relationship between hierarchical level and independence commitment.22 Finally, tax is often considered as a core area of accountancy, along with financial accounting and auditing (e.g. Abbott, 1988). However, the profession’s regulatory stan- dards of auditor independence are generally not binding in the tax domain, making it less likely that the practitioner is reminded of the notion of auditor independence when carrying out tax work.
ตัวแปรคู่ องค์กรสำนักงานที่ให้บริการทางวิชาชีพ บริษัทบัญชี Big 4 บริษัทบัญชีขนาดกลาง และเขตงาน Quebec (%) อายุ จำนวนปี