แปลบทThe participants in the this study were 16 student teachers enrolled in a
Bachelor of Education degree programme, majoring in English language teaching
(BEdEL), at a Hong Kong university. All the participants were females, and spoke
Mandarin or Cantonese as their mother tongue. Pseudonyms were used throughout
the paper to protect anonymity of the participants. In the current BEdEL
programme, 60 per cent of the courses on the programme focus on the English
language, while 40 per cent focus on pedagogy and other areas. An overwhelming
majority of the English language–related courses deal primarily with areas such as
English literature, theories of language and language learning, and grammatical and
phonological systems of the English language, with an emphasis on increasing the
knowledge and awareness about the systems of the language rather than the ability
to use this knowledge in real communication. Pedagogy-related courses include
curriculum and assessment, the English language curriculum in Hong Kong,
English language teaching skills, catering to learner diversity, classroom
management, as well as a teaching practicum in a local Hong Kong school. In the
first semester of their third year in the BEdEL programme, students undertake a
one-semester period of international experience – typically referred to as
‘‘immersion’’ (Bodycott & Crew, 2001) sponsored by the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Government (HKSAR) – at an overseas university. The
teaching practicum in a local Hong Kong school is undertaken in the second
semester of the third year, and lasts eight weeks. ความวิจัย