The following list provides some practical tips on creating consistent pages:
‰ When you create a new website, always start by adding a master page that you base all other
pages on. Even if you think you have a site with only a few pages, a master page will help
you ensure a consistent look across the entire site. Adding a master page at a later stage to
the site means making a lot of manual changes to existing pages.
‰ As soon as you find yourself adding styling information to complex controls like the
TreeView and Menu (discussed in the next chapter) or data-aware controls like the GridView
(discussed in Chapter 13), consider creating a skin for them. The fact that you can control
the layout of all similar controls from a single location makes it a lot easier to update your
site. If you want to override the layout for a few controls, you can always use named skins
with a SkinID or disable the skin entirely by setting EnableTheming to False.