Depends upon, can track down the mask of person of aura dark palace Chu Feng is making, ancient times Elf launched the comprehensive counter-attack to the dark palace.
The dark palace was stationed in ancient times Elf, the battalion outside each territory, was broken through, cannot break through was also hurries to retreat.
At once, the person of dark palace disappears to go into seclusion, does not dare to appear again.
But ancient times Elf had not actually stopped the attack to dark palace, after firing off turnaround, then went to the sun palace and person palace the goal.
Indeed, ancient times Elf had complied with Qing Xuan Tian, cannot extinguish the sun palace and person palace, but now the sun palace and person palace, collaborate with the dark palace unexpectedly, that does not destroy completely it, must give the attack to be good.
When ancient times the Elf army, arrived in the sun palace and person palace the time discovered that the sun palace and person palace genuine elite masters, all walked.
Only remaining one crowd of not understanding the true situation Elder and disciple.
The sun palace and person palace just like have become two spatial shells, but ancient times Elf naturally will not start to these innocent people, this matter can only relinquish.
However to avoid, met with a disaster with the influence of their alliance, ancient times Elf started to besides the hell palace, four Great clans, the monster flood dragon royal family provided the military strength, avoided them suffering the attack of dark palace.
However, the dark palace extraordinary custom, after being actually defeated, has not come unexpectedly for a long time.
This makes all people think that was the dark palace has feared, let ancient times Elf, again has retrieved matchlessly, unmatched in the world superiority feeling.
But Chu Feng actually does not dare to be negligent, he always thought that the dark palace has not put forth fully, but captures the opposite party the battalion, has killed some ancient times ominous beasts, as well as smaller part the person of dark palace, but also is unable to injure to fall the vitality of dark palace.
At this moment
From the border of Elf kingdom, the places tens of millions li (0.5km) away, has a person, weak pouring on the ground, this is a Martial Emperor powerhouse, and cultivation for is not weak, is Third Rank Martial Emperor.
But he injury was extremely serious at present, as for black robe that he wears, as well as the mask on face, betrayed his status, he is the person of dark palace.
But in the side of person of this dark palace, but also has two people.
Sits cross-legged in the place, sits in repose with eyes closed.
Another squats before its, human to that dark palace is making anything.
That two people, are Chu Feng and Immortal Xue Fa.
Chu Feng thought throughout that the dark palace will not give up, therefore has depended upon that mask, is looking for the person of dark palace, today finally seeks one.
Just, after seizing this, Chu Feng actually not to it how, but hands over by Immortal Xue Fa handles.
As for him, although sits cross-legged in the place, is the mind, actually in the World Spirit space.
Chu Feng in the World Spirit space, sits cross-legged similarly in the place, but he sits cross-legged before the body of Eggy.
„My queen Sir, when you must be able to regain consciousness, although with the war of dark palace, seemed like had the superiority now, but I always thought that is not simple.”
„If you because of were good, can help me analyze, gives me to offer some advice.” Chu Feng this turns the words, not only completely is missing to Eggy, has his faint restlessly.
This war, they must win, if lost, to Holy Land of Martialism, absolutely is a disaster.
Because that dark palace palace host, very possible is the Chu Feng kin clansman, Chu Feng thought that his responsibility is important, therefore now Chu Feng at heart on pressure, is enormous.
Even, has surpassed King Elf.
„Teacher, I have succeeded, you quick, I succeed has untied his mask.”
At this moment, the joyful sound resounds together suddenly, Chu Feng hurries to project the mind to the reality, this discovers Immortal Xue Fa, over the face happy expression visits her.
This is always callous, was decided as the witch female by common people, face on at this moment is blooming unexpectedly such as child's common smiling face, but that teacher also she said.
„Snow sends the senior, such do not call, the teacher I am not at all.” Chu Feng shook the head with a smile.
Since having experienced Chu Feng the techniques of many Formation, Immortal Xue Fa this, wanted to receive Chu Feng in the past wholeheartedly is disciple witch, now wants to do obeisance Chu Feng for the teacher wholeheartedly.
But which her Chu Feng goes to probably with, the two today finally had some harvests, caught person of the dark palace.