4. Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed a model based on the standard SEIR model where a term describing the impact
of the neighborhood structure was added. We have determined the value of the key parameter R0 which allows to
predict the temporal evolution of a disease in a population. Here we study the influence of neighborhood shape on
the disease spread via the basic reproduction number.
Using the SEIR CA model, we have shown that the spatial distribution of the cells in the neighborhood have a
real influence on the disease spreading. It allows the increasing of the maximum peak value of infected individuals
and the decreasing of the time when the maximum peak occurs. As a consequence it affects the basic reproduction
number. This is simular to the result obtained in [10] where ordinary differential equations have been used for
modelling epidemic spreding. We can then suggest that an accurate estimate of R0 have to take into account some
parameters related to the neighborhood structure as for instance the distance impact factor. That will be considered
in a futur work.