Currently, Oil and Gas has become a major factor in the development of civilization.
Humans use of the energy from petroleum istremendous. Mechanisms of all large transport such as
ship,rail system, car, aircraft are designed to support working with this fuel. The main electricity
system of the country uses energy from natural gas. Petroleum is also the source of products used in
everyday life of every other sectors.
So, I am interested to study in the oil and gas sector because it
is an important issues around us. According the study and researches of oil and gas in present day
We have analyzed SWOT and the recommendations of oil and gas as follows.
PTT Public Company Limited (Public) is Thailand's largest energy business processed by the
Petroleum Authority of Thailand. This energy comes from the combination of the two organizations
which are the organizational state fuel and natural gas organization of Thailand andincludes natural
gas business and Petroleum products Complete and petrochemicals focused on natural gas as a main
and business continuity. PTT's future growth would mainly come from overseas operations. Its
major strategy is to engage in mergers and acquisitions in oil and gas exploration businesses abroad.