preparation. The Preparing for the Interview Every successful interview requires first and most important step in preparing for an interview i to establish its objective. other words, what do you want to accomplish with this interview? Write down the objective so it is firmly established in your mind The second should be involved in the interview. A stakeholders step is to determine which small number of interviewees is generally best when the objective is narrow or of a fact-finding nature. Larger groups are better if the objective is more open ended, such as when generating and evaluating new ideas. However, it can be high-quality input from all difficult to manage a large group meeting to ensure participants. If possible, have at least two analysts involved in every interview, and have them compare notes afterward to ensure accuracy The next step is to prepare detailed questions to be used in the interview Write down a list of specific questions, and prepare notes based on the forms or reports received earlier. Usually, you should prepare a list of questions that questions and open-ended are consistent with the objective of the interview. questions are appropriate. Generally, open-ended questions help closed-ended