The Co 2+ (d7) in high spin state gives rise to the free ion terms 4F, 4P, 2G and several other doublet terms. In a weak octahedral (Oh) crystal field, the terms 4F and 2G splits into 4T1g(F) + 4T2g(F) + 4A2g(F) and 2A1g(G) 2T1g(G)2T2g(G) + 2Eg(G) respectivelywhereas 4P transforms as 4T1g(P). The term 4T1g(F) will occupy the ground state in octahedral crystal field and in strong crystal field (Dq = 1500 cm 1) the term 2Eg(G) occupy the groundstate. In the present investigation of the intermediate crystal fieldstrength Dq = 900 cm 1, However, the ground state is continues to
be 4T1g. In Oh symmetry, theoretically the ratios of the energies of the transitions 4T1g(F) ? 4A2g(F): m2 and 4T1g(F) ? 4T2g(F): m1 are almost invariable from 1.9 to 2.2 [28,29].